To say I took the money and ran would be an understatement, and upon arrival at Highland Hobby I couldn't wait to bury it. The original plan was a box of Sweet Spot, and A box of Mayo, but that didn't happen, because the owner sold the Sweet Spot before I arrived. So to make even a longer story short I went with an $80.00 box of Mayo, a $50.00 box of Philadelphia, and an $8.00 pack of Press Pass Fusion.
Lets start with the Press Pass Fusion:
Fred Lynn Base
Press Pass Fusion is similar in description to last years multi sport Donruss Legends, but with less hits, and a heftier price tag. Each eight pack box contains one relic or autographed card with the hard signed auto being the big hit. After reviewing the contents of my pack with the owner we both agreed that Press Pass Fusion was for the birds. I usually like simplicity, but
for eight bucks a pack base cards shouldn't be this boring.
Shonne Greene Dual Colored Relic 1/25
I did however like the design work on the Revered Relic I pulled. The green futuristic background pattern workes well with the silver foil lining, and the action shot of Shonne Green really jumps out at you. The serial number stamped on the front of the card is perfect, and the dual colored relic is placed in a perfect location. I didnt rip enough packs to make a full assesment of this release, but in my opinion if your looking for a multi sport minus the hard signed auto your better off with Donruss Legends.
2009 Phelidelphia
This was my first encounter with Philadelphia, and it instantly reminded me of U.D Origins. The on card Chicle autographs are kick ass, and I could see how some collectors would like the base, but to me the rest of the box was very forgettable. As a matter of fact you can have anything pictured in the photo above with a simple email. I was better off buying several loose packs, but the thought of a hard signed card of Mark Sanchez swayed my decision.

Brandon Pettigrew Chicle Autograph 7/100
I didn't get the Sanchez I wanted, but I did pull a Brandon Pettigrew autograph 7/100. When other rookies are hitting the "wall," Brandon seems to be blossoming with 15 catches for 165 yards and two touchdowns in the last three weeks. Hopefully he turns into a stud, because this card is absolutely gorgeous.
2009 Topps Mayo:
I have said it once, and I will say it again Topps Mayo simply rocks! If you can cast aside the sticker auto's for a moment your looking at a great all around product that's easy to collect, and very affordable. To some this may seem like an Allen & Ginter rip off, but if you can weed past the similarities you have a highly collectable, and incredibly fun break on your hands.

John Elway Gold Framed/ Jets Teamsake
The mini's come one a pack, and are incredibly fun to collect. There are four variations including regular, Mayo back, gold framed, and Harvard 0/25. Its simply amazing how well the artwork blends into the gold framed versions, and the Team Namesakes ( pictured below) are not only stunning visually, but also make for an incredibly fun chase.
I cant stress how important of a role a cards stock plays in its collectability. These mini's have an incredibly sturdy feel, and subtile shine. To me this separates it from the cheapness factor found in other retro releases.

Derrick Williams Autograph
If there is one downside to Topps Mayo it has to be the sticker autographs. I truly believe on card was necessary for this release, and would have helped its collectibility significantly, but when you have such a solid base backing it up it can be overlooked. At least Topps did us the favor of using clear ones for this release, but one cant help to imagine how awesome a hard signed version would have looked.

Brian Robiskie Brown Relic.
The relics are by far some of the finest I have seen in years that goes for both football, and baseball. It has everything going for it design wise, and the relic placement is perfect for such a tiny card. I'm not quite sure who did the artwork ( or if its digital), but they did one hell of fine job, and that's coming from my picky ass.

Pierre Thomas 1/1 Printing Plate
Ahh yes what would The Mojo Hand be without a case hit.
Overall I had a great time ripping the following packs, and when it comes down to it that's all that really matters. An old collector once told me that you can put a price tag on a card, but you cant buy the happiness that comes along with pulling it.
I could live with that.
The Mojo Hand
Nice break!
ReplyDeleteif you're looking to unload those non-hit Philly cards, I'll take 'em.
ReplyDeleteMe love the football.
No prob capt. Just send me a need list, and your address ( again sorry)I will send you all you want. Or if you just want a nice stack me can do that as well.
Great Break mojo!! And a case hit.... that hand is sure lucky
ReplyDeletewow, nice plate!
ReplyDeleteCool Pettigrew, how about a trade for it?